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Resilience Strategy for threatened species

A 10-year Resilience Strategy for threatened species and critical habitats in the Burnett-Mary Region has been developed.

The document was prepared by a consortium comprising the Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG), local Traditional Owner groups, local environmental organisations headed by the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC), and researchers including Griffith University.

The strategy is a comprehensive plan that addresses key knowledge gaps and supports improvement in reproduction, recruitment, and resilience of threatened species across the region.

It also focuses on the restoration and resilience of critical habitats for these species. A significant part of the strategy is the engagement and involvement of Traditional Owners across all aspects of threatened species management, including their critical habitats.

The consortium will use the Accounting for Nature® Framework (AfN) to measure the condition of our assets, including threatened species and their critical habitats, at regional and project scales.

This enables the prioritisation and focus of environmental initiatives on those assets most requiring intervention. The AfN is a world-leading, scientifically rigorous methodology for measuring environmental condition, critical for guiding investment in sustainable land and sea management.

The strategy also includes the development of Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation Strategies (MERS) by 2023.

These strategies will address the outcomes of the plan and determine whether they have been achieved. The MERS will ensure that the actions associated with the Resilience Strategy are delivered within agreed timeframes.

The Resilience Strategy is guided by recommendations and actions documented in the Australian Government’s Nature Positive Plan, the Australian Government’s Threatened Species Strategy Action Plan 2022-2032, and the Queensland Government’s Threatened Species Program 2020-2040.

It is a significant step towards ensuring the long-term viability of threatened species and the condition of critical habitats in the Burnett-Mary Region.