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Workshop on Cleaner Farm Dams

Workshop on Cleaner Farm Dams

A workshop will be held at Gympie later this month on Cleaner Farm Dams to improve water quality, carbon cycling, water security and biodiversity.

Gympie District Beef Liaison Group and Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) invite interested landholders to hear from distinguished carbon scientists Dr Martino Malerba and Assoc. Prof. Larelle Fabbro.

BMRG’s Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator, Michael Grebert, said farm dams were often methane emitters because they’re rich in nutrients from fertiliser and manure run-off.

With low oxygen levels, they can also provide ideal conditions for methanogens —  microorganisms that produce methane as a metabolic by-product in hypoxic conditions.

Researchers have calculated that farm dams are the highest greenhouse gas emitters of all freshwater ecosystems, producing the equivalent to 385,000 cars each day in Victoria alone.

“An effective way to reduce methane emissions on farm is by improving dam water quality,” Michael said.

“Even small improvements may result in big reductions in methane emissions from dams”.

“Shading and fencing with offsite watering points can help to reduce nutrient load and the temperature in dams, while improved water quality also means better feed conversion and animal welfare in general.”

Michael said dam owners could achieve gains quickly.

“Methane occurs naturally, but if you can turn it around and make dams into methane sinks, instead of emitters, that’s a positive,” he said.

Topics to be covered on the day include:

  • Basic water quality and biodiversity issues associated with farm dams

  • Signs of problems developing in farm dams

  • Common bacteria and their toxins — impacts on livestock health/wellbeing and feed conversion

  • What can be done relatively cheaply to see benefits?

  • The benefits of improving farm dam management for greenhouse gas production

  • Improving water quality, carbon cycling, water security and biodiversity.

  • Outlook for financial incentives for farm dam restoration and environmental market participation

WHERE: Gympie Landcare Nursery conference room at 350 Old Maryborough Road, Gympie
WHEN: 8am to 12 noon on Saturday, 25 February

People wanting to attend are asked to RSVP by phone/text 0419 840 088 or email