Koala Habitat Restoration and Protection

This project in the Gympie region is informed by an Investment Framework for Environmental Resources (INFFER) Analysis – Koala Conservation and Protection finalised in September 2022, to guide investment in large-scale koala habitat restoration and protection projects.

This project will be the first large-scale conservation program for koalas within the Burnett Mary region.

There should be communication with other koala conservation programs within central and south-east Queensland and beyond to attempt to learn from their experiences and develop a relationship to identify efficiencies that provide co-benefits wherever possible.

The project will connect with landholders, First Nations people, community groups and other relevant stakeholders within the Gympie area to secure involvement in koala habitat restoration and threat mitigation actions that strategically increase the extent, quality and connectivity of koala habitat that will benefit local koala populations.

This project is funded by the Australian Government’s Saving Koalas Fund.


Industry Recovery and Resilience Officers


Managing Weeds and Pests in Priority sub Catchments of the Barambah Creek Catchment