Threatened Species in the Mary River Catchment

A Call for Action


In 2022, the Mary River and its tributaries faced devastating flooding, impacting critical habitats for several endangered and vulnerable species.

In response, this report provides a comprehensive analysis of the post-flood demographics of key species such as the Mary River cod, Australian lungfish, and critically endangered turtles. This baseline ecological assessment underscores the urgent need for targeted restoration efforts to protect these species and their habitats.

Our Last Chance

Key Findings

The report highlights the precarious state of several species in the Mary River catchment:

  • Mary River Cod (Maccullochella mariensis): Endangered, with limited juvenile recruitment observed.

  • Australian Lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri): Vulnerable, facing challenges with spawning and recruitment.

  • White-Throated Snapping Turtle (Elseya albagula): Critically endangered, showing population decline due to habitat loss.

Despite ongoing conservation efforts, juvenile recruitment remains critically low, placing these species at heightened risk. This report calls for an increased focus on habitat restoration, pest control, and turtle nest protection to ensure their long-term survival.

Restoring the Mary River for Future Generations

Flooding is a natural event, but extreme floods driven by climate change have caused severe degradation to the Mary River’s ecosystem. The report identifies the below key restoration priorities. By investing in these areas, we can safeguard the future of threatened species in the Mary River catchment.

Riparian Restoration

In-Stream Habitat Improvement

Turtle Nest Protection

This project was a collaboration between BMRG, Traditional Owners, landholders, and scientific partners. Together, they have made significant strides in ecological research and community engagement. By fostering strong partnerships, we can build resilience in the face of future climate-driven challenges.

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