
Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Countdown to the Paddock to Reef Annual Forum

The Paddock to Reef Annual Integrated Science Forum is just around the corner, taking place on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at the Brolga Theatre in Maryborough. This event is a unique opportunity to connect, collaborate, and learn about key initiatives shaping the future of our region's environment and agricultural industries.

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Volunteers Shine in Woongarra Turtle Conservation

BMRG was proud to take part in the wrap-up event for the 2024-2025 Woongarra Coastline Turtle Monitoring Program on 8 March, celebrating another successful season of dedicated conservation efforts.

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Artificial Roost Boosts Shorebird Survival on Barubbra Island

Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) Project Officers Mauricio Montoya and Benjamin Hoekstra recently visited Barubbra Island to assess shorebirds as part of the ongoing monthly monitoring of the floating artificial roost, a project managed by BMRG with the support of Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC).

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

BMRG Staff Trained in Land Condition Assessment Tool (LCAT)

Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) staff recently completed an intensive two-day training on the Land Condition Assessment Tool (LCAT), led by its developer, Rob Hassett. The session combined theory with hands-on fieldwork, equipping all attendees with valuable skills in land condition assessment.

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Bundaberg Sugar Burnett River Site – Supporting Reef Protection Efforts

In February, Rachel D'Arcy and Ben Hammill from the Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science, and Innovation (DETSI) visited the Burnett River site at Bundaberg Sugar, where Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) and Gidarjil Development Corporation are working together to revegetate 18.7 hectares under the Reef Assist 2.0 initiative.

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Highlights from the Regenerative Agricultural Forums

As the Empowering Adaptive Graziers in the Burnett Mary forums came to a close, we were filled with gratitude for the remarkable community that came together over the two days. With over 600 attendees, the energy, enthusiasm, and engagement from everyone made these regenerative agricultural forums an inspiring and transformative experience.

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Insights from the Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer (IRRO) Program

The Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer (IRRO) Program was delivered by Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) and Queensland Farmers' Federation (QFF) to primary producers across 23 Local Government Areas in Queensland that were impacted by the 2021-2022 flooding events in southern, central, southeast and western Queensland.

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Farmers Unite for a Night of Resilience and Celebration

The Industry Recovery and Resilience Officer Program has come to an end. Over the last 18 months, Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) project officers have been supporting primary producers across the Burnett Mary Region to develop flood management plans, as a result of being impacted by the 2021-2022 high rainfall flooding events.

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Streambank Remediation Following Flood Impacts

A consortium of partners tackling Mary River flood recovery and riverine restoration, including Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG), Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) and Alluvium Consulting, recently completed three major streambank remediation sites on the Mary River and its tributaries. 

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Empowering Adaptive Graziers in the Burnett Mary

The Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) is excited to announce the “Empowering Adaptive Graziers in the Burnett Mary” project. With a funding amount of $1.1 million, this project will run for two years and is part of a suite of projects being delivered by BMRG as part of a drive towards sustainable agriculture in the Burnett Mary.

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

The Mary River Recovery Project - Watson’s Property Case Study

Peter and Elke Watson are dairy farmers in the upper Mary River region. When they first began their farming journey three decades ago, they were often seen as the ‘weirdo greenie’ neighbours for fencing off their river from livestock and emphasising environmental priorities. 

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Landholders Gain Invaluable Insights at GRASS Workshop

Last week, Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) project officers organised a Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) Workshop in Bororen. The workshop outlined the GRASS program and covered a range of topics including the Reef Protection Regulations, methods to assess ground cover and land condition, and funding opportunities.

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Jeanette Perry Jeanette Perry

Galangoor Gira – Cool Burn

In September 2024, the Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) collaborated with Butchulla Traditional Owners to conduct cool burns on K’gari as part of the Galangoor Gira project. These burns took place on their ALA land, known as Oysterman’s Lease. 

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